Most people think in terms of the “Crusades” having been conducted in the Holy Land of Jerusalem from the eleventh through the thirteenth centuries. However, the' Crusades of the Americas' actually continued throughout the sixteenth century starting in 1492, a Crusade led by Christopher Columbus who was at least related if not a Templar himself, a Knight of one of the religious, military Orders carried on what is now known as the Crusades of the Americas. This is an untold history, yet thoroughly documented in our books.
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Little has been published about the Hospitallers of St.
John's colonization of the Americas occurring during a
16-year period when they possessed the five Caribbean
islands of Saint Christopher, Saint Martin, Saint
Barthélemy, Saint Croix, and Torguga (Haiti). The key
figure in their contribution to colonization - Phillippe
de Longvilliers de Poincy, was both a Knight of St. John
and admiral, as well as the appointed governor of the
French colonies in the Caribbean and St. Christopher (St.